Saturday, November 24, 2012

Grass Fed Beef

This fall I started to eat grass fed beef. Whether I was cooking at home or eating out, anytime I had beef I made sure it was grass fed. The primary reason for this is grass fed beef is healthier for you and natural. Cows were meant to eat grass, not starch/corn, however many farmers feed their cows with starch because they fatten up quickly and it is cost efficient.

Grass fed beef is lean meat, meaning it has lower calories and can even lower your LDL cholesterol. Consuming grass fed beef gives you healthy fats in the form of Omega-3 fatty acids. Believe it or not fat is good for you and necessary to everyones diet. Fat is one of the best sources of energy for the body. Omega-3 fatty acids are considered brain food, they help the body respond to stress and control multiple metabolic processes.

 Now, on the flip side grain/starch fed beef are essentially being fed junk food (for cows), so how does this turn them into healthy food for humans? It doesn't, grain fed beef contains the wrong fatty acids, hormones that cause obesity and mycotoxins(biotoxins caused by mold).

Grass fed beef is not a exotic meat, nor is it reserved for the 1%, it is just not as common in the food we purchase today because farmers have a large demand for beef with population increases. Grain fed beef is a quick way to produce fat cows. Not to worry below I will list several ways to obtain grass fed beef.

In the D.C./Maryland area if you want grass fed beef when you are eating out:
1. Elevation Burger
2. Busboys and Poets

If you want to order in bulk online:
1. LogicMeatLocker

I hope this was informative to you and wish you the best in exploring grass fed beef. It truly is the healthier choice!

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